Salem Massachusetts may be known for its history of witchcraft but it is actually an extremely pleasant city in which to live in and work in or visit. Salem is a conveniently located coastal city with much to offer both residents and visitors.
Salem Willows is an oceanfront park with spectacular views of Salem harbor. Here you will also find beaches and children's amusement rides as well as refreshments and a video arcade. Downtown Salem offers convenient shopping and also outdoor dining and night time entertainment.
If you enjoy museums there are plenty here that will interest you. We highly recommend the Salem Witch Museum and the House of the Seven Gables along with the Peabody Essex Museum among the many others
Pickering Wharf is Salem's gateway to all seafaring activities. From there you can hook up with a Lobstering and Lighthouse cruise or visit the Salem Museum of Myths & Monsters. You may also wish to shop in some of the finest stores and dine in any of three of the best restaurants the city has to offer.